Wednesday, September 29, 2010

PostHeaderIcon The imminent relaunch of MAGANRORD!

Hosting issues, graphics down, lack of news, waning enthusiasm weakening the quality of my writing - we've been through it all, man.

But we're about to get back at it. There's just too much more to say about the breathtaking ecological richness of our little island.

So here's what's happening: In the next day or two, our graphics will be back up. BourbonHawk has hooked it up with a mighty fine hosting solution. For my part, I will produce content of a higher quality.

My more recent posts just haven't measured up to the standards I have for my own writing. I read them and I yawn. For some time, it's seemed to me that the deeper you dig into the Maganrord archives, the better the posts become. Now, I'm back and I'm going to reverse that trend.

For now, I'll leave you with a few heretofore unpublished pictures from one of my favorite adventures with BourbonHawk, our trip through the abandoned brandt's cormorant colony.

BourbonHawk's original post can be found here. Check it out. It's awesome.

maganrord (at)